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The 7 Qualities of Happy People.....

The Seven Character Qualities of Happy People

The 7 Qualities of Happy People.....

Happiness: marking, showing or marking with pleasure, satisfaction or pleasure; Happy, willing; Enthusiastic.

Would you call yourself happy?

Will others call you happy?

Are you looking for happiness If you are, the following information will outline what you need to do to find it.

According to new research, happiness is 50% genetic and 50% is influenced by you.

For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the seven major qualities and characteristics of happiness that you can directly influence. They provide the framework for achieving happiness.

No attribute on its own produces happiness. They are a package deal.

Seven Characteristics of Happiness

1. Optimistic: If you want to be happy, you should look for opportunities and believe positively and feel that you can achieve what you want out of life. Some people would call a pessimist happy.

2. Savor Life: Happy people live in the moment. They understand that they can now feel happier during their journey through daily life experiences. He does not need to wait on the culmination of his efforts to be happy in the future.

3. Spiritual: There is a strong connection between a person's spiritual foundation and orientation and his happiness. Believing and accepting that something is going on more than meets the eye, gives peace of mind more.

4. Family and friends: Relationships matter for your happiness. These interactions contribute to your happiness and your longevity. Family and friends enrich your life and increase its meaningfulness.

5.Goal: Happy people know where they are going and they have written Goal to prove it! Without direction or ambition, it is difficult for you to be happy.

6. Gratitude: Happy individuals are grateful for what they have and make the best of almost any situation or situation. It is not a grim mental state, but an honest acceptance that no matter what their circumstances, hundreds and thousands of people are far from them.

7. Helpful: Happiness comes from the gift of giving, not from taking. Research is clear: happy people give more than unhappy ones, at all levels — including time, resources, and money.
What's not on this list? Money! Research shows that money does not contribute to happiness. Nor is happiness less than money. Wealth is independent of the seven characteristics of bliss. Research shows that people are happy or unhappy, their financial status does not fluctuate or their happiness levels are not affected.

So ... those of you who use money as an important reason for your level of happiness should give up. This is a red herring!

This research has also confirmed my position that in order for individuals to be happy, they must not only search but follow their purpose and passion in life. In some cases, it means turning your back on years of experience and training to pursue your real purpose, which will give you the ability to influence your life. Recently, one of my friends, a doctor, quit medicine to follow his entrepreneurial passion; He has never been happier!

choose happiness!

The 7 Qualities of Happy People.....

action steps:

1. How happy you will make yourself — below, average, or above average.

2. Are you more or less happy than the people around you?

3. At least 50% happiness is your choice. Do you feel comfortable with your level of happiness?

4. Research has identified seven key features of happiness. Rate yourself in each of the following qualities (1) (low) to 7 (high).
  • you are optimistic
  • You influence life — you are in the moment and you enjoy living that way.
  • You have a spiritual foundation and a position of faith.
  • You join and connect regularly with family and friends.
  • You have written goals and you know where you are going.
  • You have an attitude of gratitude.
  • You are supportive and give your time and resources freely to others.

5. How did you do out of the possible 49 points above? Are you happy with your results?

6. Are there any areas you need to improve? If yes, where? what?

7. The research group reported that wealth or wealth has little or no effect on a person's level of happiness. Money will not make you happy, nor will it make you sad. Money is an independent commodity.

8. Your happiness level with your circumstances is very low and the way you react to your situations and engage. If you feel unhappy, look in a mirror. The good news is that you don't have to go far to see the reflection.

9. Are you someone who wants to be around others? Are people attracted to you? You have the option to be happy - so why not be happy?
Until next time, stay alive on purpose!

The 7 Qualities of Happy People.....

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