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10 Top Mistakes We Make That Block Our Happiness and How to Correct Them

10 Top Mistakes We Make That Block Our Happiness and How to Correct Them

10 Top Mistakes We Make That Block Our Happiness and How to Correct Them

1. to worry

Worrying is one of the worst things you do if you want to live a happy life. Anxiety takes us from the present moment and either to an imaginary future, or to being trapped in an irreversible past - neither of which promotes good feelings. And worrying about the 'worst case scenario' only wastes precious time that you can now spend being 'happy'. If you are worrying about your current situation; Bills, children, parents, jobs, economy, health, etc. - anxiety will not solve the problems; This will only exaggerate the situation. To promote a more positive, happier frame of mind you need to replace anxiety with surprise! Wonder what will happen if I do this? Wonder what would happen if I did this? Wonder what if 'I don't worry and just take appropriate action. Go ahead - make an action plan, follow through and then let it go! All that is left is peace of mind and a joy, soothe you!

2. Holding grid / resentment / anger / blaming others

Holding the grudding is like holding on to the leech. Until you decide to release it, it will dry you out - shed the blood of your life and your happiness. In the beginning, you feel righteous and deserving of your anger. You believe that being right is more important than anything. You blame others for your misfortune and believe that they are responsible for your misery. Being angry and angry only makes a person unhappy - not happiness. We are made to sit on the victim seat by blaming others. Have you ever seen 'Happy Victim'? No! (Unless they just won the case) The victims are victims. Forgiveness is the path to happiness. Forgive those who persecute you. Forgive those who made you pee. Forgive what you did wrong. Pardon situations that do not work the way you planned. Forgive the economy. Sorry mother nature. Forgive your mother, your father, your sister, your brother. Forgive yourself You deserve it and you deserve to be happy!

3. Feeling sorry for myself

Feeling sorry for yourself is a close cousin of blaming others. Instead - or other than blaming others - you are blaming yourself! It's like having a 'pity party' for one! And, even if you convince others to join your party, no one is celebrating. Now, there is nothing wrong with being dissatisfied with your situation - whether it is doing your job or not. And it is usually beneficial to talk to someone about how you are feeling. But, being stuck in 'poor, poor me', you will not be able to get out of it. Once again you are playing the role of a victim and the victim is unhappy. So, how do you stop feeling sorry for yourself? Focus on the good in your life - now! Pay attention to what is working; What good do you appreciate Because what we focus on spreads rapidly in our brain. And the more we focus on the good, the more happiness we feel. Then, decide what you have the power to change in your life - and take action to change it - now! Take responsibility for your own life. Don't wait for tomorrow, don't live in the past and don't worry about the future (see # 1). Choose to be happy - now!

4. Exaggerating negative events or thoughts

Things blowing out of proportion can be good for a dramatic film - but it wreaks havoc on our happiness. We all want some 'tea and sympathy' at times, but exaggerating negative events only hurts our mood and our immune system. Our bodies were not prepared on 'red alert' all the time. The next time you ask yourself these questions while making yourself bigger than a problem, it is - "Is this really so bad?" "Is it very much worth my attention?"; "Is it really that important in the long run?"; "Is there a solution?"; "What if I just let it go?"; Or my favorite - "What can I learn from this?" Sometimes it is as simple as correcting the situation and expanding our vocabulary! Why is it not forbidden to view negative events as 'annoyance', rather than seeing them as 'terrible'. When you find something annoying, it is very easy to dismiss it. If you want to be happy, look for the silver lining in the situation or make lemonade. Grab a straw and drink! Your happiness depends on it!

5. Thinking All or Nothing

All or nothing thinking is the same as everything is 'black or white'. Life is not black and white - it is many shades of gray (and every other color in the rainbow). Thinking all or nothing robs our happiness because, if we feel that we have everything we want or expect to be happy, we may have to wait a very long time! Just ask the child's parents! Those tantrums are doing exactly what you want - when you want it! As adults we should know that life is what we want it to be. What we usually want, some of it

10 Top Mistakes We Make That Block Our Happiness and How to Correct Them

6. to be martyred

Do you know the definition of the word 'martyr'? Suffer, Victim Willing, Sacrifice Suffer .... You'll get the point! How many happy martyrs do you know? Most are unhappy and righteous in their misery. They all complain that no one appreciates them or what they are doing, and yet they are either unable to stop complaining or stop sacrificing themselves for the needs of others. Ask yourself why are you ready to sacrifice your health, time and everyone's needs? Is it for praise, praise or recognition? If you are going to do something for others, do it with love and generosity - voluntarily, because you want or want to feel. Think of Mother Teresa. He never saw it as a personal sacrifice. Now, you don't have to be the next Mother Teresa, but if you quit working for others, happiness will remain for you. it's your choice. You can be a martyr or you can be happy. You decide

7. Holding Yourself Back or Not Taking Chances

Are you doing what you want to do with your life or are you playing it safe? If you are holding yourself back, ask yourself if you are satisfied where you are. If the answer is no, then why are you playing it safe? Does it make you happy to play small? Are you any happier than you can be? When we do this to ourselves, not only are we dissatisfied with where we are in our lives, but we are jealous of other people who are successful - which is what it all sounds like. We start going to # 3 (feeling sorry for myself) and then from there comes a slippery slope. So, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and 'go for it'! Do not make excuses for not having enough resources; Time, money, skill. If you need to do a 3 foot toss, take a baby step - just move towards your goal. You have this big vision - this dream in your heart and there for a reason. You are what it was to bring it forward; To make it a reality. Do not be afraid of making mistakes. There is no such thing in life - only lessons to be learned. So learn this lesson of happiness - Carpe Diem!

8. Not helping others / being of service

Have you ever noticed how happy the volunteers are? They are doing something they choose to help for some or some reason. They are giving themselves; Their time, talent, skills or resources. Helping others and being of service transforms us from our small world (and problems) into something bigger - some grants. (I am not talking about becoming a martyr - see # 6). When we give without expectation - without any agenda - without reciprocity - we are truly living in a heart-centered place. And, living and giving from our heart is pure happiness. Not only does the receiver benefit, but because we climb a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual plane. Giving makes us feel good and makes us feel good. This is a no-brainer, so find an organization, cause, or person you want to support and do today! This will bring a big smile to your face!

9. Forget gratitude

Does being truly grateful makes us happy? you betcha! Gratitude is a very powerful tool that many of us forget that we are in our 'Happiness Toolbox'. We are focusing on the things in our lives that are not working, not the way we want them to be or not - that we forget to be grateful for all the things that are! Even on those days when you feel you have nothing to be thankful for - think again. Sometimes it is as easy as being grateful for those things, we are grateful for the things we provide. Be grateful for your breath. Be thankful for all your working organs. Be grateful to Mother Earth. To be thankful for another day on this planet! The more you focus on the things you are thankful for… the more things you are grateful for. I'm sure you can find at least 100 things - to be thankful for now! So - grab a magazine and start plowing them down. Then, the next time you're feeling blue, pick it up and remind yourself how thankful you really are! "... To live in gratitude is to touch heaven." - (Johannes A. Gaertner) And Heaven is just another word for Happiness!

10. Wait .... for someone, something, anything to be happy

Another thing we do is that our happiness is waiting to be happy! How many of you are guilty, "I'll be happy when __________?" We are waiting for the right job or career, perfect relationship, promotion or right, new house or car, or even perfect hairstyle! Now, there is nothing wrong in wanting these things - but none of them are responsible for our happiness. They can bring us satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness, but eventually we will come back wanting to do something or something different. And, it is okay because we are always changing and growing. This is when we tie ourselves happily to the things we get stuck in 'The Waiting Place' - as described by Dr.Seuss in 'Oh, the Plays You Go'. But, happy people do not wait to be happy.

10 Top Mistakes We Make That Block Our Happiness and How to Correct Them

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