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10 Things to Teach Our Children About Happiness

Teach your Children about happiness

10 Things to Teach Our Children About Happiness

If you can only give one gift to your children, then make her happy.

I got a news story about a father who is going to die due to cancer. Since he does not have much time left in this world, he decided to write notes about living life for his daughter. When she is old enough, she will be able to read and learn what her father wants her to teach. The first lesson for her daughter is that happiness is a choice. It strikes my mind that it is high time that I teach my children about happiness as more and more youth are depressed about life and they do not know what to do to remain cheerful.

Children are happy by nature. As they grow older they are influenced by their peers and their happiness is negatively affected. They are comparing themselves and other children's lives. I think it is important to teach our children how to be happy:

1. Happiness is a choice: Choose to think happy thoughts, choose to feel good and choose to react positively. It is a feeling from within. When you decide to be happy, you are.

2. Do not include happiness for material things: Do you think that physical things can give you lasting happiness? You are only excited for some time and you will be looking to achieve the next thing. Learn to appreciate what you have

3. Do not compare yourself to others: Be happy and be happy yourself. You will never be happy when you start comparing your life to others. There will be more people who are richer and nicer than you. Love yourself, recognize your strengths and be happy.

4. Humility is a way to be happy: look happy, smile and greet the people you meet. When you behave well, you encourage others to behave in a friendly manner with you. Do not be angry. When you ignore people, they are wondering what is wrong with you and they stay away from you.

5. Gratitude is for lasting happiness: An effective way to be happy is to write about the things you are happy and grateful for on your blog or in your daily. Think of the people you appreciate like your parents and are grateful that you are full of love and living in abundance.

6. Be happy and be happy: Khushi is getting up early and going to school on time. Khushi is doing and completing her homework. Happiness is helping in household chores. Khushi is spending time with her friends. Khushi is participating in community activities. Happiness is action. Watching TV and spending too much time on the net makes your mind worse.

7. Health is essential for happiness: Exercise like walking is good for health. Taking your breakfast and drinking lots of water throughout the day is also essential for health and fitness. Khushi is not stopping late. When you get enough sleep, you feel refreshed and you are fit and energetic.

8. Respond to things positively: See defeat and failure as challenges in life. Change and work things differently. Happiness is overcoming problems and progressing in life. Happiness is also an attitude.

9. Live in the moment: Do not regret the past because it cannot be undone.

Don't worry about the future because it's not here. Happiness is here and now.

Like and enjoy what you do every day. Helping the mummy in the wash can be a mundane task. However, when you do a good job you are happy about it.

10. You do not get happiness directly: You cannot go straight after happiness. It is something else that you think and feel and something else that you do that produces happiness.

Teach your children to be happy so that we can establish a cordial relationship with each other at home.

10 Things to Teach Our Children About Happiness

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