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15 tips to be happy today & rest of your life

15 tips to be happy today & rest of your life 

15 tips to be happy today & rest of your life

1. Be grateful

Gratitude is a very powerful emotion and allows you to humble yourself for a moment. It reminds me of all the positive things you have done in your life, be it relationships, your experiences, possessions or your passions. To bring more gratitude into your life, try the following:

a) Think of a time when life was good for you, which made you feel incredibly grateful to be alive.

B) Think of a time when life challenged you - what did you learn as a result of this experience?

C) Think of a time in your life when you needed someone the most and they were there for you.

Even when we experience harsh lessons in life, the act of gratitude helps reduce pain and be thankful for the present moment.

2. Be Confident

Self-confidence will get you far in life - the way you interact with people, the way you walk on the road. When you feel confident, others see your confident energy. Some of the techniques you use are as follows:

a) stand up straight

B) recognize your strengths and abilities

c) Keep in touch with people

Use explanatory statements such as "I am good enough and I always" instead of "If I work for me, hopefully I will feel better". trust yourself!

And don't forget - accept the compliment!

3. Increase Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is all about knowing and believing your self-worth. If you feel that you have no self-worth, then it is a good idea to start listing all of your strengths and abilities identified in the previous tip, B. Confident.

Stop comparing yourself to others! There will always be people who are more or better than you. Instead of feeling bad, feel inspired by them. Make goals to achieve the things you really want in life (see Tip 10. Set Goals) and stop feeling negative because you don't have what you want.

And please please stop putting yourself down! Now this is a big thing - when you put yourself down, you say to yourself that you are not good enough. Your brain is very clever and when used incorrectly, you can celebrate the most absurd things. Nobody in the whole world is very good. Everyone is good at something! Go to Tip 1: Be grateful, and realize that the world is always on your side, you just have to sit back for a moment to see it.

4. Track your thoughts

Tracking your thoughts goes hand in hand with the previous tip 3. Increase your self-esteem. This is because during our lives we have trained our minds to believe many negative thoughts. Many, many of these thoughts become incredibly faint to us that they then become difficult to track.

If you often get worried, ask yourself the following questions:

i) What was I thinking directly before feeling anxious?
ii) Is it a negative belief / belief about oneself?
iii) Am I assessing or comparing myself to others?
iv) Do I often feel lousy on a day when it starts off awesome? Back track your thoughts.

Remember, negative thinking can always be replaced. Whenever you feel bad about yourself, you can easily keep an eye on your thoughts, just think about the last thought. When we worry, it stems from a negative thought, so keep an eye on it. With enough practice you will become proficient in tracking your thoughts and erasing all negative patterns.

15 tips to be happy today & rest of your life

5. Stay Mindful

Being mindful allows you to focus more, it stops your brain from thinking every two seconds. With enough practice you will have more clarity, become less distracted and even breathe better. Try the following:

A) How does it feel to be where you are at this second place? Are you comfortable If yes, why are you comfortable? Is it because of the chair you're sitting in, or room temperature?

b) Next time you are in the shower, think about how the water feels on your body. Do you feel relaxed or anxious? Why do you feel the way you do?

C) Meditate - Focus on nothing but your breathing for the entire five minutes and see how you feel (set a timer). This can be difficult at first but the key is to practice. You will see that you will become less distracted and more focused. The key is to practice this technique again and again.

6. Realize the grass is never

Being busy searching for another life, a different life, or perhaps a better life makes us believe that our life is not really worth living. When in fact, there is at least one person in the world who would love to live it.

Accept the reality. face it. deal with it. Problems come and go. If you have a persistent problem in your life, its time to start asking yourself:

A) What is making me very sad with this situation?

B) What have I done so far to overcome this problem?

C) What can I learn from this problem?

Never be jealous of others. Jealousy is getting angry with others and degrading you. inspired. Look for ways to develop your life, improve it and grow - trust me, you will feel much better along the way.

7. Be You

You are happy! There is no one else in the whole world who comes close to you. Each of us is unique. We all have different qualities that make us stand out. What is yours

A) Do you have great style?

b) Are you a good cook?

C) Are you an optimist?

Back to Tip 1. Be thankful, and see what you already have in your life that makes you happy. Appreciate everything you have on your list.

love yourself.
Feel good about your body - eat healthy.
Smile Smile Smile - Let those endorphins climb!

Create some style in your life - be it in the wardrobe department or your house (try something new).

8. Heal Your Past

Wherever you are, never try to recover from anything quickly. Many of us have stored feelings and past traumas that can take time to heal. Memory lane needs a lot of courage to walk and there will be a lot of tears along the way. Just remember that crying is a very healthy way of releasing stored emotions.

If you can, see a counselor. If not, there are many books you can read that can give you a better understanding of your situation. Please also try the following:

A) Commit to yourself that you no longer desire to be emotionally affected by your past.

B) Write in detail about the incident.

C) Allow yourself to cry if you need to - write any trigger word that makes you more emotional.

Try to see the reality of the situation rather than just your perspective. If you were beaten as a child, all that compelled your carer to defeat you was your own level of frustration and lack of control, rather than being your bad child.

What did you learn well as a result of this experience? Are you more kind Do you have the ability to spot a child undergoing abuse? Do you have the ability to respect others and yourself?

At first it can be difficult to heal your past, but once you get past the hurdle you will gain compassion for yourself, deep knowledge and the gift of helping others.

9. Find Yourself

Awareness is the key to self-discovery. Find out why you are the way you are. Understand who you are as a person. This will give you the freedom to make changes you don't like and the opportunity to make the life you want. Try the following:

a) Don't judge yourself - this is a hard one to overcome but will the boy feel better about himself!

B) Be honest with yourself - This will bring true awareness. What are your deepest fears?

C) Have you ever felt ashamed of something? If yes, why?

d) Have you ever been dishonest? Why? (Remember not to judge yourself) What was the reality of your situation?

e) What kind of people do you like to spend your time with? Why?

F) Are you happy in your current relationship? Who is your ideal partner Why?

15 tips to be happy today & rest of your life

10. Set Goals

If you want to start building the life you really want, then goal-setting is your 'life plan' for the future.

All successful business executives and athletes set goals. It provides inspiration and it organizes time and resources so that you can get the most out of life.

a) Start by setting life-time goals - financial, career, education, family, exercise.
Then set small goals - start with a five-year plan, then a one-year plan, then a six-month plan, until you make a one-month plan.

B) Make sure they are smart - specific (important), measurable (meaningful), attainable (action-oriented), relevant (rewarding), time bound (trackable).

C) Stay on course - Review your goals on a monthly basis and check everything that has been completed. Modify your goals to reflect your changing priorities.

11. Allow yourself to dream big!

Dreaming big is not about walking with your head in the clouds, it is about having a passion and making it your purpose to achieve it. Get into the habit of dreaming big, because it will adjust and adjust your mind to get you on the right path.

Some reasons for dreaming are good:

a) It will make you feel good.

B) You will connect with your inner self.

C) They will eventually come true.

d) You will set a higher level for yourself - this is good for personal development.

E) You will achieve more.

12. Get a Hobby

Sometimes coming home from work, having dinner, then watching TV a little bit can be really boring. We need to nourish the soul. We need something that brings a sense of inner fulfillment. And remember, TV is not a hobby, please see Tip 14. Stop watching TV.

Try some of the following:

A) Learn a new skill - maybe a musical instrument or weave.

b) Start a blog about something you are passionate about.

C) Stay in touch with nature - take long walks or do gardening.

d) Create a sports team

13. Make yourself happy first

As selfish as it may seem, it is the complete opposite. If you are happy within yourself, others will eliminate your happiness. People feel good around them who feel good about themselves.

a) Don't sacrifice too much for anyone else - if you have a passion in life then it is your God-given right to fulfill them.

b) Do not give what you do not have - Be Love or Financial.

C) Put on your oxygen mask first - there is a reason for this.

d) Donate only if it feels good in your heart.

14. Stop Watching TV!

TV is bad for you! You heard it here first.

Seriously, people try to do TV as least as possible. And try not to watch TV before bed time, especially thriller, horror or action movies. You will find that your subconscious will be in the order of a troubled dream all night if you watch movies or TV shows of this type.

Watching TV puts you in an alpha position - this state is important for optimized learning, so you don't want to learn anything negative. You also shut down your creative brain. When you read or interact with people or play sports, your brain uses its imagination. While watching TV it cannot use its imagination, you are watching someone else's imagination. Therefore the creative part of your brain falls down.

By cutting the TV you will find that:

a) You will have more time for hobbies and recreational activities.

b) You will read more - online or offline.

c) You will socialize more.

d) You will start thinking more positively - because there is a lot of negativity on TV.

e) You will become more selective of what you see next.

15. Always be optimistic

You have nothing to lose by being optimistic. Remember the glass is always half full!
As an optimist you should be grateful for what you have and expect the best. And, if and when things get a little tricky, they are easily forgotten when you overcome them.


a) The world is always on your side - if you believe that the world is on your side then you are right, if you feel that the world is against you then you are right.

B) The past is not equal to the future - the past is just a story, the future is yet to be built.
Turn negative beliefs into positives - Life is too short to think negatively.
Prepare for the best, hope for the best - expect your life to be great and it will happen.

15 tips to be happy today & rest of your life

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