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Make Your Own Happiness : Be Yourself

Making Your Own Happiness

Making Your Own Happiness

Happiness is a universal demand for all 4 corners of the earth, from the poor to the rich, as well as to those who are already happy. I believe that happiness is not a destination or situation that a person settles down and remains stationary, but rather a journey, a continuous and never ending journey, fluctuating where we create more fluctuations from below. Let's try to keep.

The subject is elaborate, with true or false ways of looking at it, depending on a lot of factors, most of which I believe lies within the individual - myself. In my own odyssey, to strive for happiness, I have come to understand and learn a lot on this elusive event. I am still learning, trying and here I want to share my opinion, understanding and present some of the tips and tricks that I took up along this journey.

what is happiness? If there is ever a way to measure happiness, a universal gauge on happiness, and a measure of the degree of happiness, we can then see if there is a difference. To my knowledge, non is. For example, can we again say that a rich man is always happier than a poor man. Perhaps, Amir would know the answer. Otherwise, we will see that they are so unhappy, and more on their dying bed.

Many people define happiness differently, and from the spiritual point of view, there is again a definition from the spiritual aspect. For the sake of this article, I will focus on it as it applies to the secular world.

Perhaps on a fundamental level, we should first try to understand what happiness is and what it means for us. Many factors affect our way of thinking and seeing - our upbringing, background, environment, educational level and many other factors shape our attitude towards life and what life is. From this, subconsciously, we all see happiness in different light. Therefore at the basic level, one must search for some soul and determine for himself what is happiness for him, and there is none but him. The essence is different means different person. This definition can lead to lengthy debate, but suffice it to say, this analysis would not be very good for getting into a state of paralysis and defeating the purpose of the article.

Therefore, we now need to define happiness in our own context. And let us not confuse it with success in life. For life success includes the component of happiness, and where is success without happiness. Here, I have encountered many people who have made tremendous material gains will disagree.

Making Your Own Happiness

With my own journey in life, the ignorant path I have to take for myself, the University of Life has taught me some things that I share with you;

  •  Stepping outside and taking action - Human beings by nature like to procrastinate and have a tendency to delay everything, and have things to do tomorrow. I remember having read an article which gave good advice, "Complete your next few days in one day, and this is today". Come to think of it, it is very powerful. Try to do it and you will see what I mean, the result is amazing. And you won't have any trouble with your spouse and boss. The depiction of the big elephant being tied to a small series - is very much applied in life, which we must learn to grow beyond our fears and the limits around us.

  • Take accountability and accept responsibility - When things fall apart, it is better to accept responsibility, take necessary actions to improve the situation, and move forward. Recognize the past mistake as past, we can only look ahead and not be saddened by the mistake and accountability of tomorrow In my encounter with mistakes, I feel that people are more forgiving and will not pursue it when there is acceptance of responsibility and genuine desire to move forward for good. Of course, such mistakes should not recur or else, one has to re-assess their abilities and abilities.

  • Maintaining a harmonious and well-balanced lifestyle - In life, there are a lot of things we want and want to do. God is fair that we are all given as much time per day as we want. How much and what to do under our control. Come to think of it, getting something also means that we have to do something. Strange sounds right, but think about it. The same time can be used to obtain other things - this opportunity cost or lost. So what do we do, how do we spend our time, and who is fully with us. I read somewhere that as a purely theater drama, in life we ​​put everyone together, including producers, screenwriters, directors, actors and audiences. Therefore, how we want to complete our life is completely up to us. We must maintain a harmonious balance so as not to focus on one aspect, neglect others. Like the Chinese say, yin and yang.

  • Don't complain about life, appreciate what you currently have, when you try more - when we look around us, our family, what we have received so far, Grateful and appreciative and accept whatever drawbacks and drawbacks it comes with .. Do not try to compare yourself with others. In this way, another joy is felt while we improve further, comparing ourselves with tomorrow. If we can improve ourselves everyday, is this not what we want in life.

Let us change ourselves before we change others - Mahatma Gandhi said "We must be the change we want to see in the world" Jim Rohan said "You must take responsibility, you cannot change circumstances, seasons or wind, "But you can change yourself. This is the one thing you are in charge of. If we can learn to start by changing ourselves, then maybe we can better prepare the people around us, then possibly change our environment, our circumstances and what we know, maybe the world.

  • Accept diversity and differences and learn to see the beauty in them - From where I was born and raised, we pride ourselves on being a very good role model country where there is diversity in race and people who live harmoniously. Each has its own culture and value system but in general, people have learned to accept and tolerate differences. As in family and organization, these differences are reflected in competence, skills, expertise or opinion, needs and wants. Appreciating such a difference, and taking advantage of the individual's strengths goes a long way towards a harmonious and happy environment

  • Be magnumonious and forgive and forget / let it go - I have had several encounters with my friends, who had troubled themselves during many years of struggle. And refuses to forget and forgive. And I think that every time they relate to events, they bring back a lot of painful memories and sadness. Hanging on such luggage causes more harm to the person. It takes a lot of courage to forgive and only when we are big enough that we find solace and happiness.

  • Sincere dialogue - heart to heart conversation where necessary - the world we are in today is full of enmity, hatred and violence. Most of this can be attributed to misunderstanding, and misunderstanding arises from mistrust. And if there was enough communication then why would there be mistrust. Imagine those fights and unpleasant episodes at home and in the office. We make assumptions based on our own knowledge and values ​​and believe that others do the same. The reality is not this, and we must communicate and communicate well enough to communicate honestly during a complex and complex situation. Only with honest effort and understanding arising from communication, we can learn to live, work and co-exist in harmony.

  • Learning to turn someone down and say no - Many times, when we succumb to humility and decency only to feel remorse over an earlier decision, one upsets the disturbing thinking that would spoil the day. is. Hence the need to learn to say no, humility and perseverance. In my country, we have a culture where people are friendly, polite and helpful. Given the crimes that happen today, and especially those learning from the Internet, horror stories have been aired about the modus operandi of crime, it no longer pays us to be able to say no to strangers when We have to think about self interest and security. One lesson I learned years ago is that people feel pressured to oblige and, in doing so, are forced to agree to something and later realize the mistake . I have since learned to hold onto any decision, and try to stall for time where more immediate "no" is not appropriate for the situation, check in on a few things first. This will buy the person time to think and seek advice before making a commitment.

Planning for vacation and taking your leave - A periodic break is necessary to freshen up both body and mind. At the same time, to allow you to take in new things. In our daily routine, this is always the excuse to travel to a future date. Maybe maybe, by then it will be done and it will be done, and then I can go on vacation. We put ourselves in series, we have to attend this meeting, to schedule that meeting ... in fact, what happens when we fall ill, is the meeting still or the worst She goes. Or do we find that more important people should attend the meeting, but they may be absent. It is good to be someone who is of value and needs to be around, which we are indispensable. But in fact, we must work on the basis that no one is unavoidable. Enjoy a carefree holiday and give a holiday slogan, "Without lock and door", be careless and free from all hustle and bustle.

Have an optimistic and healthy lifestyle - People say that health is wealth, and without health it is very right, no matter how much money is there. The very essence of a healthy body goes a long way to building a healthy mind, although we do see some people who may not be healthy but still maintain a very healthy and positive mind.

For many people, happiness is as elusive as wealth. Many people I see as synonymous with happiness with wealth, and in the process, have lost the essence of meaning in life.

Eventually, it comes back to the person, what that person wants in life, and it may well be the little thing that will keep that happiness in spite of the circumstances of that effort. It is important that we know the situation we are in, have our ability and learn to live with that knowledge.

Just as in life, happiness is mysterious, and as man is trying to understand it more, he will find that they are still unexplained phenomena and more unknown. As man continues to gain further knowledge on the subject, let us all not pay attention to "if" and "but", but instead take it and maintain a state of mind that we can always say Is on a good level in life.

Making Your Own Happiness
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