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What is the Truth About Making Money in Network Marketing?

What is the Truth About Making Money in Network Marketing?

What is the Truth About Making Money in Network Marketing?

this blog is a real life experience for someone life !! 

If you have never been involved in network marketing, you are probably asking yourself this question. You may have heard the "concocted stories" of people who lose everything in a network marketing business. Or worse, someone spent time and money to make a large monthly income, only to have the company they represent go out of business. Therefore, you are probably skeptical about the network marketing industry in general and want more information before you step outside and join an opportunity.

If you are currently in a network marketing business (or you were once before) and you are not making a profit, you are probably saying "When will I make money in network marketing?" Or, if you are jumping from program to program in search of a "winner", you need this article.

What is the Truth About Making Money in Network Marketing?

In the beginning of my network marketing career, I asked myself the same questions. And believe me, my wife did it! So, let me answer the question for you: "Yes, you can make money in network marketing!"

There is no week I do not get a phone call from a new prospect who asks me "What is the truth about making money marketing?" I get this question all the time. Particularly from a frustrated network marketer who spent his last money on a mailing or an advertisement, which went awry. I aim that after reading this article, you will have a better answer to this question. I hope your answer is "Yes, can I really make money in network marketing?"

I know you can make money in network marketing because I am living proof. I now make more money in a month than a month. For the first time in my life, I don't worry about paying my bills. In fact, I have paid all my bills! Now, when I buy something, I use the universal payment method- CASH! This is good. I am blessed But, I have to do a weekly maintenance not only to help my organizations directly, but also to continuously bring in new people.

Now am I sitting back and getting rich in network marketing? Quite frankly, yes .. I play with my daughter every morning and work with my business associates in the afternoon. In the late afternoon I would walk into the office and return phone calls and keep in touch with my growing downline and new possibilities. Most evenings are spent communicating with international parts of my organizations, usually through a conference call or webinar.

So, how did I meet Corporate-Veni where I am today? I used simple techniques and principles that I will outline in my e-book "How the Responsible Network Marketer Going to Market" due to Summer 2008. Now I did not walk-out them just once.

My secrecy was consistency. I never quit. Once I found out what worked, I looked for someone in my downline who wanted success as I did and would listen to "mine" and follow my advice.

It sounds simple, but in the first 2 years of my network marketing experience, I couldn't find anyone who was willing to work as hard as I was. It was quite disappointing at first. I was afraid that I might just be working in another "job". But, in fact, I was laying the foundation for what a lifetime income would be. Was it worth all the hard work and frustration? Absolutely. Will i do it again? Absolutely. Billionaire j. A famous quote by Paul Getty, which I believe describes my definition of network marketing success:

What is the Truth About Making Money in Network Marketing?

"I would rather have 1% of my efforts than 100% of 100% of people!"

One thing I really believe is, if you are not happy with what you are currently doing, then you must change and do something that you have never done before. This usually means changing not only your work habits, but also your attitude. You might be thinking, "I just want to know which technique to use so that I can get rich and stop talking about stance and get on with the nuts and bolts of making money".

What you should feel is that you should attract money by being a professional and knowing what you are doing. You also have to create value for your prospects or they will come and go like a revolving door. People want to join a network marketing opportunity to make money.

If you can't help them do this in a relatively short period of time they will leave. It is so easy. But, if you can create some kind of positive relationship or an environment of real value, they will stay with you in those months, where they spend more than they make. If you get only one message from this article, I hope it will be one:

"Everyone connects with a network marketing opportunity to make money. But, they stay in it because you've built a valuable relationship and you've helped them become financially successful"

With most network marketers today, I am looking for a network marketing opportunity where someone does all the work and they

Sure, you can make a few hundred bucks a month using this "strategy", but are not making any kind of connection between you and your downline.

Network marketing was created with people in mind. When you take people out of the equation, you loose. If simply mailing catalogs, post-cards and brochures were all it took to make money, why would the company need you? Think about it? If it were, today technology would make you obsolete before you wake up in the morning.

They could do the distribution themselves and save all the commissions they paid to their distributors — couldn't they? This is where I see that the industry has had a breakdown in the last 15 years — it has become a lot more business and impersonal. Network marketing began face-to-face or is now known as "warm marketing".

Going to university or college, getting your degree and working for either a "big" corporation or a government, many people have not been financially independent as promised earlier by our parents. Many of our friends have found that the corporate latter's ascent is full of trap doors and heartache.

And, those who dare to dream big and start their own traditional business have experienced more heartbreak and hard work than they anticipated. Neither our parents nor colleges can prepare anyone for all that is necessary to start and sustain their own business.

Most people today jump into their own business half-heartedly, without really knowing what the benefits are.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Continue For part 2  >>>>>>>>>>>>>

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